Jbang’s Blog

Black Hole

Posted in Uncategorized by jbang on February 27, 2009


Black hole

The war is a never ending fact, a never ending cycle; it keeps go on and on and on. Even after Obama’s election, Obama who holds a conviction that war must be stopped, it does not end. In Afghanistan, people all over the world fight for the unjust and the terrorists who are against the world. The constant threats of nations are the major issue of war in these days, such as N.Korea and Alkaida. After reading the article from CNN “U.S. losing war in Afghanistan, McCain says” I knew the fact that Obama’s administration tries to stop this threat against United States through sending out soldiers, which McCain view that war in Afghanistan is not winning.

          The article shows McCain’s vision; the war in Afghanistan is not winning, but still necessary to protect the United States from the threats of terrorism. He also thinks that there should be more support from the United States, more soldiers, more than 17000. His opinion harmonizes with Obama’s but he enforces more force in terms of military aspect since he served as a veteran soldier in United States. The article conveys that war in Afghanistan is necessary and it should be aggrandized in terms of military.

          I agree with McCain’s ideology that the military force in Afghanistan should be extended and enforced. Since 9.11 and before, U.S. had put billions of money and effort to stop the threat in Afghanistan region; however it never ends. I think this is absolutely absurd, with the world’s greatest force; the U.S. is not winning the war, but “losing” it. Therefore I agree with McCain that there are necessities to aggrandize the military force in Afghanistan.





opening the dam

Posted in Uncategorized by jbang on February 27, 2009



Opening the dam



The economic crisis is becoming bigger and bigger type of an issue without specific treatment or cure.  The nations feel threaten, yet still have no solution to get out of this fatal crisis, just hoping for this brutal wave of to pass them briefly. Especially, Korea is struggling a lot. They have lost billions and billions of dollars because the buyers all over the world promoted “cell Korea”, envisioning the negative economic growth of Korea. The dollar price is rising, which means all products’ prices are rising. Meanwhile, the stupid Korean government has no plan, literally no plan, to solve this issue; they just think that time will solve everything, making absurd claims and no efforts. I read this  article from BBC Obama unveils his $3.6tn budget and I was fascinated by it. Unlike the unintelligent Korean government, on the other side of earth, Obama’s administration had decided to unveil the $3.6tn budget, the prominent decision that people hope to be a catalyst that will be an exit to the global economic crisis. Obama to unveil the New Budget

            President Barack Obama has unveiled a $3.6tn (£2.5tn) budget for 2010, aiming to pull the US out of financial crisis. He has a strong conviction that this veil out of money will destroy the economic crisis. Planned spending includes $634bn to pay for healthcare reform and an extra $250bn to be set aside, in case it is needed to bail out US banks. The details will come out in April. The president promised to increase tax cuts for the very wealthy and businesses that move jobs overseas, unlike Bush who was against this common sense. He also promised that his budgets would be an honest accounting of the country’s economic situation and include “the full cost of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan”. Obama administration is putting their best effort to solve this matter; he try to make the stopped economy to roll again.

            The veiling out will be a solution to the financial crisis in United States and the economic crisis in all over the world; however, I still do not think that the problem is fixed. I have a feeling that this veil out will just be an ‘instant’ solution. By releasing this magnanimous money, the economy will flow again, but will be stopped again. Still, I know there will be no ‘constant’ solution. This will be the most direct and the only way to get out of this chasm of money crisis. Obama administration is putting their best effort to bring solution to economic crisis; but I think they have to release their sights into the matter that caused this situation, they have to stop the cycle.